کنفرانس‌‌ گردشگری کشاورزی 2022 – 2021

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کنفرانس گردشگری کشاورزی - برداشت توت فرنگی در مزرعه

لیست کنفرانس های گردشگری کشاورزی که شامل سمینارها، کنگره‌ها، کارگاه‌ها، برنامه‌ها‌، دوره‌ها، اجلاس‌ها و نشست‌های هفتگی، سالانه یا ماهانه است برای بهره‌مندی علاقه‌مندان ارائه می‌شود.

ICPSPT005 2021: Patient Safety and Physical Treatments Conference, Ottawa (Jul 12-13, 2021) کنفرانس

ICPCPDM001 2021: Patient Care and Physical Disease Management Conference, Bali (Jul 15-16, 2021)

ICBMP003 2021: Behavioral Medicine and Psychiatry Conference, Copenhagen (Jul 19-20, 2021)

ICRSIR001 2021: Rett Syndrome and Injury Rehabilitations Conference, Toronto (Jul 19-20, 2021)

ICRSIT001 2021: Rett Syndrome and Injury Treatments Conference, Toronto (Jul 19-20, 2021) کنفرانس

ICRSPDR001 2021: Rett Syndrome and Physical Disability Rehabilitations Conference, Toronto (Jul 19-20, 2021)

ICRSPDRT001 2021: Rett Syndrome and Physical Disability Rehabilitations, Treatments Conference, Toronto (Jul 19-20, 2021)

ICRSPDT001 2021: Rett Syndrome and Physical Disability Therapies Conference, Toronto (Jul 19-20, 2021)

ICSTT003 2021: Syndrome Treatments and Therapies Conference, Berlin (Jul 22-23, 2021) کنفرانس

ICPCPDR002 2021: Patient Care and Physical Disorder Rehabilitation Conference, London (Jul 26-27, 2021)

ICCNT021 2021: Clinical Neurosciences in Tropics Conference, Zurich (Jul 29-30, 2021)

ICCPIM001 2021: Chronic Pain and Injury Management Conference, Dubai (Jul 29-30, 2021)

ICECPM001 2021: Exercise and Chronic Pain Management Conference, Zurich (Jul 29-30, 2021)

ICECPT002 2021: Exercise and Chronic Pain Treatments Conference, Zurich (Jul 29-30, 2021)

ICEPM012 2021: Exercise and Pain Management Conference, Zurich (Jul 29-30, 2021) کنفرانس

ICEPT008 2021: Exercise and Pain Treatments Conference, Zurich (Jul 29-30, 2021)

ICIT012 2021: Injuries and Therapies Conference, Dubai (Jul 29-30, 2021)

ICPCPDM002 2021: Patient Care and Physical Disorder Management Conference, Dubai (Jul 29-30, 2021)

ICPDRCPM001 2021: Physical Disorder Rehabilitations and Chronic Pain Management Conference, Dubai (Jul 29-30, 2021)

ICPSCPT001 2021: Patient Safety, Care and Physical Treatments Conference, Istanbul (Jul 29-30, 2021)

ICPSM004 2021: Pain and Syndromes Management Conference, Dubai (Jul 29-30, 2021) کنفرانس

ICPSPD003 2021: Patient Safety and Physical Diseases Conference, Istanbul (Jul 29-30, 2021)

ICPSPDM002 2021: Patient Safety and Physical Disease Management Conference, Istanbul (Jul 29-30, 2021)

ICPSPDR001 2021: Patient Safety and Physical Disease Rehabilitation Conference, Istanbul (Jul 29-30, 2021)

ICPSPDT001 2021: Patient Safety and Physical Disease Treatments Conference, Istanbul (Jul 29-30, 2021)

ICPSPI001 2021: Patient Safety and Physical Injuries Conference, Istanbul (Jul 29-30, 2021)

ICPSPIM001 2021: Patient Safety and Physical Injury Management Conference, Istanbul (Jul 29-30, 2021)

ICPSPIR001 2021: Patient Safety and Physical Injury Rehabilitation Conference, Istanbul (Jul 29-30, 2021)

ICPSPIT001 2021: Patient Safety and Physical Injury Therapies Conference, Istanbul (Jul 29-30, 2021)

ICPSPM003 2021: Patient Safety and Pain Management Conference, Istanbul (Jul 29-30, 2021)

ICPSPPM001 2021: Patient Safety and Physical Pain Management Conference, Istanbul (Jul 29-30, 2021)

ICPSPR003 2021: Patient Safety and Physical Rehabilitation Conference, Istanbul (Jul 29-30, 2021)

ICPSPT004 2021: Patient Safety and Physical Therapies Conference, Istanbul (Jul 29-30, 2021)

ICDS006 2021: Disability Studies Conference, Vancouver (Aug 05-06, 2021)

ICCPM009 2021: Chronic Pain Management Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2021) کنفرانس

ICIIDT001 2021: Injury and Intellectual Disability Therapies Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2021)

ICIPTR001 2021: Injuries in Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2021)

ICIT011 2021: Injuries and Treatments Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2021)

ICPDIT004 2021: Physical Diseases and Injury Treatments Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2021)

ICPDR006 2021: Physical Disorder Rehabilitations Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2021)کنفرانس

ICPDTCPM003 2021: Physical Disorder Therapies and Chronic Pain Management Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2021)

ICATBIM001 2021: Advances in Trauma and Brain Injury Management Conference, Dubai (Aug 16-17, 2021)

ICPDCPM002 2021: Physical Diseases and Chronic Pain Management Conference, Dubai (Aug 16-17, 2021)

ICPDIR001 2021: Physical Diseases and Injury Rehabilitations Conference, Dubai (Aug 16-17, 2021)

ICPDIT003 2021: Physical Diseases and Injury Therapies Conference, Dubai (Aug 16-17, 2021)

ICPDR005 2021: Physical Disability Rehabilitation Conference, Dubai (Aug 16-17, 2021)

ICPDRCP001 2021: Physical Disorder Rehabilitations and Chronic Pain Conference, Dubai (Aug 16-17, 2021)

ICPDT013 2021: Physical Disorder Therapies Conference, Dubai (Aug 16-17, 2021) کنفرانس

ICPDTCP001 2021: Physical Disorder Therapies and Chronic Pain Conference, Dubai (Aug 16-17, 2021)

ICPDTCPM001 2021: Physical Disease Treatments and Chronic Pain Management Conference, Dubai (Aug 16-17, 2021)

ICPDTT001 2021: Physical Disability Treatments and Therapies Conference, Dubai (Aug 16-17, 2021)

ICPCCPI002 2021: Patient Critical Care and Physical Injuries Conference, Bangkok (Aug 19-20, 2021)

ICAEPR001 2021: Advances in Exercise and Pain Rehabilitations Conference, Kuala Lumpur (Aug 23-24, 2021)

ICIIDM001 2021: Injury and Intellectual Disability Managements Conference, Kuala Lumpur (Aug 23-24, 2021)

ICPSCPM001 2021: Patient Safety and Chronic Pain Management Conference, Kuala Lumpur (Aug 23-24, 2021)

ICAPSPT001 2021: Advances in Patient Safety and Physical Therapies Conference, Moscow (Aug 30-31, 2021)

ICDTT004 2021: Disability Treatments and Therapies Conference, Moscow (Aug 30-31, 2021) کنفرانس

ICIIDT002 2021: Injury and Intellectual Disability Treatments Conference, Sydney (Aug 30-31, 2021)

ICPCPDT003 2021: Patient Care and Physical Disease Treatments Conference, Sydney (Aug 30-31, 2021)

ICPDCP004 2021: Physical Diseases and Chronic Pain Conference, Sydney (Aug 30-31, 2021)

ICPIT003 2021: Pain and Injury Treatments Conference, Sydney (Aug 30-31, 2021)

ICHSBM001 2021: Hydrogen Sulfide in Biology and Medicine Conference, Tokyo (Sep 09-10, 2021)

ICATBIM002 2021: Advancements in Trauma and Brain Injury Management Conference, Amsterdam (Sep 16-17, 2021)

ICEPT009 2021: Exercise and Pain Therapies Conference, Zurich (Sep 16-17, 2021)

ICPDT011 2021: Physical Disability Treatments Conference, Toronto (Sep 20-21, 2021)

ICPS007 2021: Psychological Society Conference, Lisbon (Sep 20-21, 2021) کنفرانس

ICPDM004 2021: Pain and Disorders Management Conference, London (Sep 23-24, 2021)

ICPIM005 2021: Pain and Injury Management Conference, London (Sep 23-24, 2021)

ICPIR003 2021: Pain and Injury Rehabilitation Conference, London (Sep 23-24, 2021)

ICPIT004 2021: Pain and Injury Therapies Conference, London (Sep 23-24, 2021)

ICPITM002 2021: Pain and Injury Therapy Management Conference, London (Sep 23-24, 2021)

ICPMD007 2021: Pain and Musculoskeletal Disorders Conference, London (Sep 23-24, 2021)

ICPSPDR002 2021: Patient Safety and Physical Disorder Rehabilitations Conference, Dubai (Sep 29-30, 2021)

ICAPIM001 2021: Advances in Pain and Injury Management Conference, Baku (Oct 04-05, 2021)

ICEPR004 2021: Exercise and Pain Rehabilitations Conference, Baku (Oct 04-05, 2021) کنفرانس

ICIPT006 2021: Injury and Pain Therapies Conference, Dubrovnik (Oct 04-05, 2021)

ICPCCPDR001 2021: Patient Critical Care and Physical Disorder Rehabilitations Conference, Dubrovnik (Oct 04-05, 2021)

ICPCPDT002 2021: Patient Care and Physical Disease Therapies Conference, Dubrovnik (Oct 04-05, 2021)

ICPDI002 2021: Physical Diseases and Injuries Conference, Baku (Oct 04-05, 2021)

ICPDIT002 2021: Physical Disorders and Injury Therapies Conference, Dubrovnik (Oct 04-05, 2021)

ICPSPIT002 2021: Patient Safety and Physical Injury Treatments Conference, Beijing (Oct 04-05, 2021)

ICTBIM001 2021: Trauma and Brain Injury Management Conference, Baku (Oct 04-05, 2021)

ICTCPM001 2021: Trauma and Chronic Pain Management Conference, Beijing (Oct 04-05, 2021)

ICPCCPM002 2021: Patient Care and Chronic Pain Management Conference, New York (Oct 07-08, 2021)

ICPDIT001 2021: Physical Disorders and Injury Treatments Conference, Tokyo (Oct 07-08, 2021)

ICPSPDT004 2021: Patient Safety and Physical Disorder Treatments Conference, Tokyo (Oct 07-08, 2021)

ICSPTR001 2021: Injury and Syndromes in Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Conference, New York (Oct 07-08, 2021)

ICAPSPT002 2021: Advancements in Patient Safety and Physical Therapies Conference, Rome (Oct 18-19, 2021)

ICIST010 2021: Injury and Syndrome Therapies Conference, Bali (Oct 25-26, 2021) کنفرانس

ICPCCPDT002 2021: Patient Critical Care and Physical Disease Therapies Conference, Istanbul (Oct 25-26, 2021)

ICPDCP003 2021: Physical Disorders and Chronic Pain Conference, Barcelona (Oct 25-26, 2021)

ICPDCPM001 2021: Physical Disorders and Chronic Pain Management Conference, Barcelona (Oct 25-26, 2021)

ICPDI003 2021: Physical Disorders and Injuries Conference, Barcelona (Oct 25-26, 2021)

ICPDIR002 2021: Physical Disorders and Injury Rehabilitations Conference, Barcelona (Oct 25-26, 2021)

ICPDTCP002 2021: Physical Disorder Treatments and Chronic Pain Conference, Barcelona (Oct 25-26, 2021)

ICPDTCPM002 2021: Physical Disorder Treatments and Chronic Pain Management Conference, Barcelona (Oct 25-26, 2021)

ICEIM005 2021: Exercise and Injury Management Conference, Venice (Nov 11-12, 2021)کنفرانس

ICECPT003 2021: Exercise and Chronic Pain Therapies Conference, Jeddah (Nov 15-16, 2021)

ICPSCPT002 2021: Patient Safety, Care and Physical Therapies Conference, Jeddah (Nov 15-16, 2021)

ICSPTR002 2021: Syndromes in Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Conference, Jeddah (Nov 15-16, 2021)

ICDT012 2021: Disabilities and Therapies Conference, Tokyo (Dec 02-03, 2021)

ICPMDM002 2021: Pain and Musculoskeletal Disorders Management Conference, Tokyo (Dec 02-03, 2021)

ICPSPD004 2021: Patient Safety and Physical Disorders Conference, Sydney (Dec 02-03, 2021)

ICPSPDT003 2021: Patient Safety and Physical Disorder Therapies Conference, Sydney (Dec 02-03, 2021)

ICRSPDT002 2021: Rett Syndrome and Physical Disability Treatments Conference, Sydney (Dec 02-03, 2021)

ICAEPR002 2021: Advancements in Exercise and Pain Rehabilitations Conference, Kuala Lumpur (Dec 06-07, 2021)

ICIPT004 2021: Injuries and Physical Therapies Conference, Kuala Lumpur (Dec 06-07, 2021)

ICPCPI001 2021: Patient Care and Physical Injuries Conference, Kuala Lumpur (Dec 06-07, 2021)

ICPSPDM001 2021: Patient Safety and Physical Disorder Management Conference, Kuala Lumpur (Dec 06-07, 2021)

ICRSPDRT002 2021: Rett Syndrome, Physical Disability Rehabilitation and Therapies Conference, Kuala Lumpur (Dec 06-07, 2021)

ICPCPR001 2021: Patient Care and Physical Rehabilitation Conference, London (Dec 09-10, 2021)

ICPTT004 2021: Physical Treatments and Therapies Conference, London (Dec 09-10, 2021)

ICCNTP001 2021: Clinical Neurosciences in Tropical Practice Conference, Istanbul (Dec 20-21, 2021)

ICICP004 2021: Injuries and Chronic Pain Conference, Paris (Dec 30-31, 2021)

ICTBI003 2021: Trauma and Brain Injury Conference, Paris (Dec 30-31, 2021)

ICPCPPM001 2022: Patient Care and Physical Pain Management Conference, Bangkok (Jan 18-19, 2022)

ICTCP003 2022: Trauma and Chronic Pain Conference, Bangkok (Jan 18-19, 2022)

ICPCCPDT001 2022: Patient Critical Care and Physical Disorder Therapies Conference, Amsterdam (Jan 21-22, 2022)

ICCPI004 2022: Chronic Pain and Injury Conference, Dubai (Jan 28-29, 2022)

ICPCPIT001 2022: Patient Care and Physical Injury Treatments Conference, Sydney (Jan 28-29, 2022)

ICPW004 2022: Pain in Women Conference, Sydney (Jan 28-29, 2022)

ICPSPDT002 2022: Patient Safety and Physical Disease Therapies Conference, Bangkok (Feb 04-05, 2022)

ICPCCPDR002 2022: Patient Critical Care and Physical Disease Rehabilitations Conference, Amsterdam (Feb 08-09, 2022)

ICCPIT003 2022: Patient Critical Care and Physical Injury Therapies Conference, Kuala Lumpur (Feb 11-12, 2022)

ICPSCPR001 2022: Patient Safety, Care and Physical Rehabilitation Conference, Kuala Lumpur (Feb 11-12, 2022)

ICPT022 2022: Physical Treatments Conference, Kuala Lumpur (Feb 11-12, 2022)

ICPCCPIR001 2022: Patient Critical Care and Physical Injury Rehabilitations Conference, Istanbul (Feb 15-16, 2022)

ICPMW002 2022: Pain Management for Women Conference, Istanbul (Feb 15-16, 2022)

ICPCCPIT002 2022: Patient Critical Care and Physical Injury Treatments Conference, Paris (Feb 22-23, 2022)

ICPCPDR001 2022: Patient Care and Physical Disease Rehabilitation Conference, Paris (Feb 22-23, 2022)

ICPCPDT001 2022: Patient Critical Care and Physical Disorder Treatments Conference, Rome (Mar 04-05, 2022)

ICPITM003 2022: Pain and Injury Treatment Management Conference, Rome (Mar 04-05, 2022)

ICADTT001 2022: Advances in Disability Treatments and Therapies Conference, Miami (Mar 11-12, 2022)

ICPCPM004 2022: Patient Care and Pain Management Conference, London (Mar 15-16, 2022)

ICAPSPIT001 2022: Advances in Patient Safety and Physical Injury Treatments Conference, Prague (Mar 22-23, 2022)

ICPDT012 2022: Physical Disorder Treatments Conference, Prague (Mar 22-23, 2022)

ICAPIM002 2022: Advancements in Pain and Injury Management Conference, Madrid (Mar 25-26, 2022)

ICICPM001 2022: Injuries and Chronic Pain Management Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2022)

ICPCPIT002 2022: Patient Care and Physical Injury Therapies Conference, Venice (Apr 12-13, 2022)

ICPCPIR001 2022: Patient Care and Physical Injury Rehabilitation Conference, Paris (Apr 19-20, 2022)

ICRSIT002 2022: Rett Syndrome and Injury Therapies Conference, Tokyo (Jun 10-11, 2022)

ICRSIT002 2022: Rett Syndrome and Injury Therapies Conference, Copenhagen (Jun 10-11, 2022)



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